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New Arrivals

ISX 15 / XPI OEM Common Rail Diesel Fuel Injector

PROXIMA® High Performance Fuel Injector

Manufactured by Cummins OEM Factory
Original Standard
Correct IMA Code
Test Report is Available
Worldwide Shipping

OEM Bosch 110&120 Series

PROXIMA® High Performance Fuel Injector

Manufactured by Bosch OEM Factory
Original Standard
A QR Code, Test Data are Traceable
Test Report is Available
Worldwide Shipping

OEM Repair Kits for Bosch

PROXIMA® High Performance Repair Kit

Manufactured by Bosch OEM Factory
Original Standard
Worldwide Shipping

ISL OEM Fuel Injector

PROXIMA® High Performance Fuel Injector

Manufactured by Cummins OEM Factory
Original Standard
Correct IMA Code
Test Report is Available
Worldwide Shipping

Valve Kits

PROXIMA® High Performance Valve Kits

Original Standard & Size
Original DLC Coating
Extended Longevity
High Precision
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OEM Fuel Pump 1934322

PROXIMA® High Performance Fuel Pump

Original Standard & Size
Extended Longevity
Worldwide Shipping