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Research & Development

Behind Every Super Genuine Product…

Co-Work with Universities and Institutions

We have established a “joint laboratory” with the national engineering center for digital manufacturing equipment at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which is designated as a “talent innovation base” by the school of mechanical science and engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Self-designed Fuel System

Single-cylinder high-pressure common rail system : we own a complete set of high-pressure common rail system products applicable to single-cylinder engines, which can meet the emission upgrading, low cost and can quickly match the upgrading of existing single-cylinder engines.

Marine high pressure common rail system: The marine high pressure common rail system is a fuel system product independently designed by us. It adopts ultra-high pressure design and can provide a full set of products with large flow and large emissions. 

Development & Transformation of High-pressure Common Rail Products

We can customize the development of existing fuel system products for customers, including fuel injectors, fuel pumps, etc., to ensure that the quality of the products manufactured fully meet customer needs and perfectly match the engine.

Precision Parts Manufacturing

Providing customers with the development and manufacture of high-precision fuel system components, and we ensure stable and reliable product quality and realize maximum value at the lowest cost.